Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Never enough time...

Whew, I find it hard to believe that it has been over twenty years since my time at BHS! Thank you very much Rhonda and Tami for taking the initiative to start the blog; I hope it becomes a well-used tool for all to reconnect.

I have been wanting to post since recieving the invite, waiting for that "perfect" block of time but now I see that I will never have it so I will just post a quickly so you all don't think I was blowing it off...

I am class of '88 and think of my time with the Buena band as some of the best ever. I cherish my memories of the friends and times spent in rehersals, games, parades, and competitions. Rhonda (and Michelle Wheeler!), I will forever remember my freshman year and being lucky enough to be in the sit in front of you for my very first parade and having to change into uniforms...WOW!

Those of us in my class had to live through director transition from Dave Wheeler to Tony Martone which of course was difficult. Tony was wonderful but like most of you, I had a special affinity towards Mr. Wheeler. Great memories!

Briefly about me. After graduation, I went to Azusa Pacific University on music scholarship. Worked in law enforcement. Married in 1994 to a wonderful woman named Holly. We have three terrific and beautiful kids: Gunnar (11), Emily (5), and Malayna (4). In 2000, I graduated from law school in Virginia. We now live in Fort Worth, TX and absolutely love it. We think it one of the best kept secrets in America (even though it seems lots of Californians have heard...)

Again, thanks ladies for starting the blog and I look forward to reading more!


1 comment:

Rhonda said...

So glad to hear you are doing so well. Time sure does fly doesn't it!
Glad you are checking in to the blog...keep posting so we don't lose touch with you!